Web design blues...

Saturday, March 8, 2008

I have certainly been learning some heavy stuff lately. First I had to learn Adobe InDesign from scratch to do the graphic design for my recently published book, Off the Diving Board, not to mention tons of Photoshop wizardry to make it look nice. Now, with my building confidence, I'm attempting to design a new website. This task has been keeping me quite busy for the last few months. I'm putting nearly all my free time (free time, what's that??) into this and I'm basically baby stepping my way through it. Just to give you an idea of how green I was when I first started, I didn't even know what HTML was. Now I'm "behind the scenes" laying out pages, changing fonts, creating links, and chewing gum to boot. Knowledge is power! My goal is to have this site up and running before we move to Wilmington, NC at the end of May. Here's a screen shot of the home page, just a little preview...keep in mind, this is still in the rough stages.