Lonely Bird

Saturday, January 10, 2009

This afternoon Justin took the pups and went back to Wilmington. I was hit with a sudden sense of loneliness. A new place, a new routine to get used to, etc. I'm so used to having the little guys under foot, and they're always eager to be loved on. There's never a dull moment. The quiet in my apartment was a unexpectedly weird. I miss them so bad. I decided to get out all my encaustic supplies and start a new painting.

Wax is very easy to layer up, and get neat textures. In the end, I added some twigs from the trees near my apartment. I like the added depth. From the photos, it looks like a pretty simple concept but actually, I worked on it for several hours. The wax begins to dry as soon as it leaves the hot plate. Everything has to be fused before more layers can be added. It will probably take me all year just to get the hang of it.