Interact and Surprise

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Yesterday was action packed with art. We went to the Baltimore Museum of Art where I saw another piece by Glenn Ligon, one of favorite artists. And we played in the interactive rooms of Franz West's exhibition "to build a house you start with the roof". One whole room was filled with super-sized magnetic words that visitors could arrange into their own silly phrases.
After lunch at an over priced Indian restaurant, we walked to the Contemporary Museum to see a very inteRESTing exhibition of narrative works by Kianga Ford called "My Life in Fiction". She created a walking tour of the area around the museum by interweaving music and stories for visitors to listen to on an iPod they could check out from the desk. The museum is a small but intimate space where artists can do experimental, mixed-media artwork.

We capped off our day in Baltimore at the Walters Museum where we saw "Bedazzled", the temporary exhibition of jewelry spanning 50 centuries.

This was one of my favorite pieces. A 19th Century Imperial Headdress worn by the dowager mother in China. I'm reading Pearl S. Buck's Imperial Woman and she refers to the ornate headdress that is worn and I couldn't picture what it looked like in my mind. Now I know.