Do the Work

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Some comments from Krista Harris about her working process, helpful for all of us:

It's a very humbling experience to practice art on a daily basis…to go into your studio alone, to try and create, refine, express, explore, experiment and make sense of something so illusive as an idea, or thought or emotion. Some days, or some moments it works! It seems clear and pure and joyful, then the next it is painful and and unsettling and pure madness.

I think tenacity is critical for artists and probably painful for their friends and family. But there are no substitutes or short-cuts. The willingness and determination to keep at it, day after day, year after year, sometimes to the exclusion of all else is what it demands and deserves. You have to respect the process and put in the time in the studio. You have to just show up and do the work.