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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Pursuing Christ, Creating Art by Gary Molander The Collision of Faith & Creativity: Interview with Gary Molander (excerpt): What’s one thing artists can do to make better art? If I had to boil it down to two things (that is what you asked, right?), I’d say this: First, I think we need to stop pursuing the next great creative concept, and start pursuing Jesus. That sounds great, and many people nod and say “Mmmm” when I say that in a room full of artists. But it’s so very true. When we pursue Jesus, the next great creative idea will come as a gift of the relationship. We artists tend to drag Jesus through our creative processes, turning to Him only when we’re stuck. I’d rather allow Jesus to drag us into bringing healing and redemption to the world, and figuring out our creative concepts as that’s taking place. Second, I think artists would create better art if they became less concerned with preaching and more concerned with inspiring. Let the pastor preach and teach (artistically, I would argue). Great art happens when artists simply set the table and invite people into the feast.