New Project, Patterns

Sunday, December 30, 2007

After I got the vinyl fabric to make a covering for the ruck frame, I decided it wasn't quite right. Since it was a remnant piece I got on clearance and there wasn't any more like it in the store, I went on-line and found something I liked better and ordered it. Should be here by Tuesday. I went ahead and "carved out" the pattern, although I'll admit that I'm hardly a good seamstress. First I drew out a rough sketch onto paper and started cutting it and forming it at the same time. When I got something semi suitable I drew the pattern out on a piece of the vinyl I had. Using staples, I was able to put the whole thing together without sewing. This will act as the template for the final piece. I will also end up covering the kidney pack and the straps...I think (I'm still toying with another idea). Anyway, all of the seams will lay smoother in the end when they've been sewn (not stapled). The hinges will be attached to a board underneath and will stick out from slits on the sides and then the wings will be attached to the hinges. I will hide the hinge with a second and third layer of wings. On another note, I finally hitched my star to the Netflix wagon and I'm eagerly awaiting some documentaries. However, I'm a bit leery of the seductive powers of TV.